Since February, I have been volunteering with Guildford.Games, a networking and community events non-profit based in Guildford that also runs the G.G Fest each year alongside a range of other events for developers and other members of the games community in Guildford. In recent months, my responsibilities have been extended to include interviews, article editing, and community engagement within their website’s news feed.
I’ve conducted a range of interviews this year with indie game devs, industry professionals, and unique creative voices all throughout the Guildford games scene and beyond! It’s absolutely fascinating hearing from these people and the stories they have to tell. Whether a CEO of a successful game studio talking about driving a then-small team through Covid, or a pair of passionate audio engineers founding the world’s largest audio-based creative community platform, there is always something to be learned. My job is to translate that to you!
One of my more recent pieces for them was an interview with Ben Huskins, the lead designer for Two Point Studios’ newest game Two-Point Museum! It was one of my longest interviews yet and I really enjoyed talking with him. He also happens to be speaking at g.g Fest in 2025, a games conference we run, where I’ve written a number of further questions to be asked as part of his panel. He’s got a lot of great things to say, and I highly suggest viewing the article below!
You can read that article over on their website here.
I’ve also recently had an article published by Rascal news, an online independent tabletop gaming news outlet. They entrusted me to report on the various roleplaying businesses within London and provide coverage on the different options in the scene. The article has reportedly done well and I hope to collaborate with them soon.
You can read this one at the webpage here.